Wednesday, August 31, 2016

The Moon’s Deep Wounds

When the soothing daylight
became absorbed
by the dim-colored distance
and the moon’s beak
like a horde of splinters
hit with a thud against earth,
night fell with a rumble
that made no noise.

Then the abrupt moonlight
got caught in your dark hair
and the early evening air
untangled autumn’s roots,
its twilight, its temple of leaves.

I watched you pull closer to yourself,
shaking like a thin spidery web.

You said: ‘Maybe life is an invalid
or a guide gone astray and inside each
circle of breath there is a path of light
that winds around
and comes back to us … and … maybe …

(pause to shiver)

on the day that we are going to die the veil lifts
and we know exactly what it is that we need
and when we turn back to reach for it we fade away.’

Suddenly your gaze was that of a wolf,
calm and transfixed, unaware
of its divine ripeness and only aware
of its physical hunger.

You asked, rhetorically: ‘If love is the master key
to the cosmic equation then why do lovers
become disjointed like worn out nets?’

Looking out over the wooded valley
where gray light feeds on the wilderness,
a jovial wind makes the leaves laugh and blur
and peel from the trees like orange embers
fleeing a fire.

In the dark stubble of the forest
the distance wavered, then disappeared.
The day was gone.

You continued: ‘The bane of our existence
is cold sweat within the icy throes of sinister dreams.
There is too much drizzle, too much clutter.
Then nothing, nothing at all.’

We heard voices coming from along the river,
children’s delicate voices, gentle laughter,
happiness the color of autumn, a crackling fire.
White smoke rose from the valley’s black shroud, rose
like ghostly medicine over the moon’s deep wounds

and the wind shifted to a steady chilled motion.
You shuddered in silence.
Overhead, the noisy geese made their escape
and every leaf was shaking.


from my fourth book: 'The Translator'

©dah 2014 "The Moon’s Deep Wounds"
was first published in 'Lost Cost Review'

Tuesday, August 30, 2016


In an effort to cross the street
she raises her hand
a prophet giving blessings
The traffic halted

Dressed in pink sweats
and magnificently poised
the heavy woman
illuminated by the sun
floated to the other side

Staring in store windows
her distorted reflection
is a pink pillar
One by one pedestrians fill
the kaleidoscopic canvas
with blue sky
like misplaced water above

Entering the reflection
in dark, grimy threads  
a street woman becomes
the shadow of Pink Prophet
Shifting in and out of the canvas
cars dart like startled fish

Then Pink Prophet moves on
and the dark shadow
limps down the street behind her
a tattered rag doll  


from my sixth book-length manuscript

©dah / dahlusion 2015 all rights reserved 

"Prophet" was first published in
'The Canon's Mouth' (UK) as "Pink Prophet"

Monday, August 29, 2016

The Vanishing Of Differences

Because in the beginning
we were without language
this then is the account

We have landed here from the other side
pushed together into clumps

There were words beneath our skin
souls talking
teaching us memories of self

This is how we arrived
with spirits longer than eternity

Because the gray line is without margins
black and white blend
Gray becomes the way
the vanishing of differences


from my fifth book-length manuscript

©dah / dahlusion 2014, 2016 all rights reserved

"The Vanishing Of Differences" was first published
in 'Eunoia Review' (China) 

Sunday, August 28, 2016

To Say Goodbye Means Forgetting

As silhouettes everyone wants us
to come out from hiding
They want us to grow
in bridles of light
leaving our shadows

If they could see
the one’s who’ve fallen apart
have forgotten their shadows
and forever look for things
they can’t find

When I close my eyes
I’m the lucky one
I’m youth, I’m joy
What more could there be

My last childhood
was charmed with pixie dust
a lamp burning hand-puppets
on the walls
They were all skipping about

If only I had wished harder
when I felt I could fly
It rarely happens
that I really see myself

An inner-voice pushes me
to invoke Never Never Land
but the magic is thinning
growing old
To die will be a big adventure


from my seventh manuscript collection

©dah / dahlusion 2016 all rights reserved

"To Say Goodbye Means Forgetting" was first published
in  'A New Ulster' (Ireland) 

This poem is from my manuscript-in-progress 'The Fairy Tales'
which alludes to fairy tales or fantasies while keeping the poems
introspective with self-ruminations, self-reflections and self-doubt.  

Saturday, August 27, 2016


My hands are the hands  
of a gardener
fresh with soil, sunlight, and rain
with the breath of flowers
and kisses of moisture
I sprinkle seeds over the earth
like a holy man sprinkles sacred water
The soil: grateful for my blessing
The birds: grateful for this small fare
I chant incantations and listen
for the growth of roots
for the rustle of sprouts
pastel green and tender, spiritual
and uplifting
I rain dance and praise the sky
hold my hands to the air
forming a small bowl
for the rain to fill
to be the stimulus, the birthmother
the liquid that makes
the garden whole
I ask the sun for waves
of light, the breeze
for strength and circulation
the fertilizer for sparkling minerals
that infuse the roots, stems and fruit
with vitality
On my knees I dig
with bare hands into the soil:
my hands like intimate dancers
lead the prolific weeds
to another existence, to their rebirth
My hands are the hands
of a gardener
fresh with soil, sunlight and rain.


from my fourth book: 'The Translator' (2015)

©dah / dahlusion 2015 all rights reserved

"Gardener" was first published in
'Stone Voices Magazine'

A Longer Journey

Makers of eternity
thunder and fear, I bring this
offering, my used soul,
in return for a length of life
longer than eternal,
a slash of lightning to break the dark,
sunbeams, a stillness that moves me.

This thin air, this breath,
a momentary escape, here, forsaken
and twisted, rotted like an old storm,
caught in death’s drift, hardened
by an acrid drip of ice.

If I could break myself, these habits,
these scattered moments. If I could cut
like heat through the final ice, melt,
spill, ooze, discharge a living hiss,
some eternal life.

I rush to you this offer,
crash into time, carry wind
in my lungs, waves of blood,
drums in my heart, I rush
and pass faster into this growth
of hollow space, a cold dull gasp,
lips mute, eyes dumb.

Do not sever this hope from me,
do not break me here on earth,
a longer journey, a longer journey,
good fortune, good luck,
a shot in the dark, more hours
on the clock, a longer journey.

Gods of eternity thunder and fear
I bring this offering, my used soul,
broken, dismantled. This is all I have
and you have so much.


from my sixth book-length manuscript

©dah / dahlusion 2015 all rights reserved 

"A Longer Journey" was first published in
'The Linnet's Wings' (Ireland)

Old Woman

In the middle of the day
light’s damp lid
presses on the old woman
She hobbles
with swollen joints
along broken sidewalks
The wind punctures her skin

Wet light flares
as children streak by
The old woman pulls in
wobbles and continues
The city is too alive for her
She stops again
A rugged wind lifts debris
scatters it about her feet
She looks down at scuffed shoes

then looks up
Her expression is an empty slate
because so much is erased
from her life
I watch her stand there as if hollow

Holding hands a young couple
strolls by 
The old woman seems invisible
then she struggles on
until distance blurs her
erases her


from my sixth book-length manuscript

©dah / dahlusion 2015 all rights reserved

"Old Woman" was first published in
'Eat Sleep Write' 

Sadder Than Anything

An umbrella moves
through the rain
and in between each drop

Morning’s broken light
far from the sun
trips over the rooftops
into the wind’s mouth
over my eyes

and I hear footsteps
alone on the sidewalk
alone in the rain
only to stop and wait
for a dream or a green light

Then time passes
even darker
and from the sidelines
a burly boom
of far-off thunder

Raindrops tangle in my hair
raindrops sadder than anything
Neruda has written


from my sixth book-length manuscript

©dah / dahlusion 2015 all rights reserved 

"Sadder Than Anything" was first published in
'The Recusant' (U.K.)

Friday, August 26, 2016


Sometimes the gray sun
is like dry rain
other times an old bone

Sometimes there’s a whisper
from the inner-ear, a drag of words
announcing a profusion
of discontent

There are times I wear sadness
like deep sleep
so rising into the day
creates a storm that places its mouth
over my ears
and blows cold wind
to produce a melodramatic silence

Some days I hold tightly
to the quiet that surrounds me
and listen to the dead
for they have much to say
about unfinished lives

Beneath the fog’s tarp
moisture is a wet parachute
undulating in the air
and light’s eye
has rolled back into its skull

Sometimes I ask out loud
What is the point?
But my thoughts are
discombobulated, misdirected

and I wait for a voice to answer
but there are so many
that I cannot separate them
yet, somebody inside is listening
and keeps laughing and laughing


from my sixth book-length manuscript

©dah / dahlusion 2015/2016 all rights reserved 

"Misdirection" was first published in
'Red Wolf Journal'